Straight Pride? Not in My Good Gaming Discord Server!
someone threw a straight pride flag in the sticky business discord server. ick!

someone threw a straight pride flag in the sticky business discord server. ick! gotta cleanse that timeline STAT!
it's true that straight members of the queer community (straight aces, straight aros, straight trans people for example) are often treated as afterthoughts in LGBTQ+ discussions (esp with straight often being used as shorthand for non-queer).

straight people in and of themselves are not LGBTQ+...
- they've had the legal right to marry for thousands of years,
- when/if there's a romance in a story it's usually a straight one,
- people look at a baby boy and girl playing together and call them bf/gf....
those are just a few examples of how society has normalized straight people.
straight people don't need a pride flag. pride is about feeling proud of ourselves (as opposed to ashamed of ourselves like heteronomative / queermisic society tells us to).
society ALREADY tells straight people that they're valued members of it.
while hate symbols can be reclaimed, currently, with several straight pride flags being made in response to same-sex marriage legalization, i personally wouldn't feel safe around a person throwing such a flag about. if it can be reclaimed, it hasn't been reclaimed yet.

pixel art made in the game sticky business.
beach scene with the word "July" above a volleyball net decorated with rainbow flags. a red panda has the volleyball and some sunglasses. a ferret is eating rainbow ice scream.
the Boba Buddies are over by some seagulls and a sandcastle
the sun wears heart-shaped sunglasses while orange and blue balloons float by the volleyball net.